
Case study

How the world’s biggest rug manufacturer attracted new customers with Roomvo

Since launching in January 2023, Roomvo has helped Oriental Weavers attract new customers to their ecommerce site.

Oriental Weavers Logo

About Oriental Weavers

Oriental Weavers is the world’s biggest rug manufacturer by output, producing more than 144,500,000 meters of woven and handtufted rugs in 2022 alone. Named “Best Rug Supplier” by Furniture Today magazine in 2021, Oriental Weavers has manufacturing facilities in the United States and Egypt and distributes its products in more than 130 countries worldwide.

Industry: Rug manufacturer 
Products: Rugs
Founded: 1979
Size: Enterprise
Headquarters: Cairo, Egypt
Roomvo products:  Roomvo visualizer (Went live in January 2023)


Rooms uploaded

Immersive experiences
More than 79% of customers upload pictures of their room to the visualizer


Product views

High engagement
13,000 product views in 4 months



Happy shoppers
4.8-star average rating from customers



Immediate results
Launched within 6 weeks

Oriental Weavers website image 02

The challenge

With a fierce focus on improving the customer experience, the company needed a digital tool that could help customers get acquainted with their products quickly and move them to purchase faster.

“Customers are at the heart of our vision,” said Mr. Emad Abdel Ghani, Chief Information Officer at Oriental Weavers. “So providing an excellent customer experience, whether online or in our showrooms, is our ultimate goal.”

Emad Abdel Ghani saw immediate potential in room visualization for transforming the digital experience, especially among younger generations.

“Our market research showed that actually, our youngest population of customer is the one that can be helped most,” said Emad Abdel Ghani. “To get some sort of idea about the texture, the design, the model, the colours, they prefer to have an augmented reality experience to see it in their homes. Especially people moving on to a new house, getting married, having a big family, and changing their apartments.”

The solution

To build brand awareness and deliver the best customer experience, Oriental Weavers began looking for the perfect visualization platform to partner with. 

The selection criteria were simple: it must be user-friendly, easy to implement and fast to deploy.

“In the selection process for different visualizers, Roomvo scored top due to its simplicity,” said Emad Abdel Ghani. “Unlike visualizers we have seen from other vendors, which were so complex. They required all their photos to be in a certain size, which would have been a huge issue in terms of getting all our product catalog photographs in a certain way. Considering the amount of SKUs we have, adjusting all the dimensions would have been a huge undertaking.”

Oriental Weavers chose Roomvo as their room visualization partner, where implementation was more straightforward. Less than six weeks later, in January, 2023, the room visualizer went live on the manufacturer’s global website, mobile app, and their ecommerce site in Egypt.


The results

In just the first few months since launch, Roomvo has already helped Oriental Weavers attract new customers, particularly shoppers with high purchasing power.

“Since the introduction of Roomvo, we’re seeing a different category of customers,” said Emad Abdel Ghani. “Based on customer registrations on our app and ecommerce site, we can see we’re attracting people with higher incomes.”

Oriental Weavers saw 13,000 product views on the Roomvo visualizer within the first four months. And each time the company mentioned Roomvo visualization in their marketing, they noticed a spike in traffic.   

“Whenever we have a marketing campaign or promotion on our e-commerce portal or mobile app, you can see the traffic is high on both,” said Emad Abdel Ghani. “And it also affected the traffic in showrooms.”

After using the visualizer on the ecommerce site, Emad Abdel Ghani explained, customers formed a better impression of the company and were more likely to visit their showrooms to check out more of their products. By providing a seamless, digital visualization experience, Roomvo inspires an emotional connection with the Oriental Weavers brand and products.

“It opened an appetite,” said Emad Abdel Ghani. “Maybe the design they’re looking for is not on the ecommerce site. But by providing visualization, it shows we’re here for them. They think, ‘why don’t l go to the showroom and see this product physically.’”

The response from shoppers has been extremely positive, with Roomvo earning an average 4.8-star rating. In addition, customers are highly engaged when using the visualizer, choosing to upload a picture of their own room almost 80% of the time. According to Emad Abdel Ghani, seeing rugs visualized in the home helps remove the doubt from the decision making process.

“Especially in this industry, in carpet and rug, having this facility has added a lot in terms of relief for the customer.” said Emad Abdel Ghani.

Oriental Weavers website image 01

“Since the introduction of Roomvo, we’re seeing a different category of customers. Based on customer registrations on our app and ecommerce site, we can see we’re attracting people with higher incomes.”

Emad Abdel Ghani
Chief Information Officer
Oriental Weavers


Roomvo creates the frictionless shopping experience that customers crave — online and in-store. Our state-of-the-art room visualization platform lets customers preview your products in their own homes, creating a highly immersive, realistic shopping experience that moves shoppers from inspiration to purchase, quickly.