The ultimate
Here’s how it works
Upload a photo of your room
Select a product
See it instantly in your space
Fast and easy visualization for shoppers
Instant results
Your visitors snap a photo, and we showcase your products in their room in seconds.
Unprecedented realism
Shoppers can buy confidently, knowing that your products will match and fit their space.
Ease of use
Optimized for all devices. No apps to download and no instructions to read.
Fast and easy setup for vendors
Easy setup
- Send us your product data
- Add one line of code on your site
- No maintenance required
- Your products and your branding
- Customizable sample rooms
- Integration with your Google Analytics
We’ll proudly show you our results
of products brought to life
of users
sales growth
more conversions
on the spot sales
Take their word for it
Average rating
based on millions of user reviews
This technology engages consumers and designers like nothing we’ve seen before. The ease of use and life-like results speed the selection process and generate excitement in the end user that translates into quickly closed sales.
Danny Harrington, VP, Marketing, Galleher
One of our sales reps just made a $4,500 sale in 10 minutes after using Roomvo to show how the product would look in the customer’s home.
Allan Alexanian, Owner, Alexanian Carpet & Flooring
Roomvo is a registered trademark of Leap Tools Inc.